Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Second Helping of "You Know How It Is"

Thanks again to Mark Johnson for these samples.
Labels: Obscurities
As a Lynd fan, you'll be happy to know that I am working on a book of his work for release near the end of the year. I was unfamiliar with this strip...thanks for alerting me to it, and thanks for such a wonderful blog.
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond (I've been in fevered production mode on books for both my job and for my new publishing venture).
The Lynd book will be mostly "Vignettes," but only because that's what I have in my collection (probably 250 or so examples). I have a few Life comics by Lynd from the 1920s, a decent run of "Mazie the Motormaid" (maybe 15 or so), and a few examples of illustration work he did for magazines from the 1910-20s. I am also fortunate in owning a couple of orginals by Lynd. I'd love any contributions of more Lynd material from other folks on this board and elsewhere (I wasn't even aware of the "You KInow How It Is" strip until I saw it here!). This book is really a labor of love, and the more material I can include, the better we can honor Lynd's under-appreciated body of work.
I'd also love to find somebody who would be itnerested in writing an introduction/appreciation for the book.
Thanks again, and wish me luck!
--Joe Procopio
The Lynd book will be mostly "Vignettes," but only because that's what I have in my collection (probably 250 or so examples). I have a few Life comics by Lynd from the 1920s, a decent run of "Mazie the Motormaid" (maybe 15 or so), and a few examples of illustration work he did for magazines from the 1910-20s. I am also fortunate in owning a couple of orginals by Lynd. I'd love any contributions of more Lynd material from other folks on this board and elsewhere (I wasn't even aware of the "You KInow How It Is" strip until I saw it here!). This book is really a labor of love, and the more material I can include, the better we can honor Lynd's under-appreciated body of work.
I'd also love to find somebody who would be itnerested in writing an introduction/appreciation for the book.
Thanks again, and wish me luck!
--Joe Procopio
...and I forgot about three or four magazine covers I've come across by Lynd (American Legion, Snappy Stories, etc.)
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