Friday, August 23, 2024


Obscurity of the Day: Professor Knix


Here to close out our mad professor week is Professor Knix, a Jimmy Swinnerton short run series that appeared in the Hearst Sunday comics from April 3 to July 17 1904*. As seems to happen to all of our mad professors, Professor Knix can depend on having the you-know-what beat out of him by the end of each instalment, whether as a side effect of his invention, or by the innocent bystanders he enrages. 

What I find interesting about this strip, and other early strips featuring mad professors, is that it is common for them to have German accents. I would have thought that trope, the idea that Germany was a fertile ground for off-the-wall geniuses, would have blossomed in the aftermath of Albert Einstein. But evidently Einstein only served to feed an already existing stereotype, and perhaps focus it with the wacky unkempt hair adding to the picture. 

*Source: Atlanta Constitution


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